Welcome, oh visitor! After your long and perilous journey, you have arrived at this, a place whose existence lies outside the restraints of space and time. It is nice to finally meet you!
Before you proceed, it is my duty to make a few things clear. This page was coded on a laptop (1920 x 1080), utilizing mozilla firefox as a browser, and began it's creation on january 4th, 2025. It may contain discussion of topics not suitable for minors, so if you're under 18, I advise that you go back. This page aims to be a safe space both for myself and for others. I do not have a lot of experience with HTML, or any at all, really. So if you should encounter any problems, I urge you to reach out, here!
With that out of the way, please- Rest now and explore this place at your own pace. There is no hurry, you are safe.
Whenever you're ready, you may enter.